Ashoka Marg Road Front Showroom for sale. In complete commercial complex.
Hospital, Bank n Offices in same Complex. Construction 5..6Yrs old.
Total Salable area is 2504Sq feet.
Carpet on ground Floor 1117Sq feet +
50% loading 556.5 +
Mazenine 556.5 (actual mazenine available is 750Sq feet at present) No loading on mazenine n Salable only as per law not for extra available space).
800Sq feet front Open-1/4th of this is Salable that is 200Sq feet+
70Sq feet Salable allotted parking in addition to front open space.
Total Salable is
2234 + 70 + 200 =
2504 Sq feet @ rate 20,000Rs per Sq feet.
5,0080000Rs =
5Cr 80 thousand Rs offer Negotiable.